Pushing a Local Project to GitHub
As I’ve been delving deeper into JavaScript, I’ve found myself starting local projects, wanting to get into the habit of making my commits and pushing them to GitHub. So, you’ve created a folder for your little project; now how do you get it onto GitHub? Table of Contents Initializing the Local Repo in Git Creating…
Switch Statements
The conditional if, else, and else if statements are some of the most powerful and often used statements in programming. As a teenager playing around with Visual Basic, these statements were the building blocks into my understanding of programming logic. So to help me cement this in my brain, I’m writing a blog post about…
Setting Up Git & Connecting to GitHub on macOS
One of the first things we learn as part of our journey into JavaScript with The Odin Project is setting up Git and connecting to GitHub. As I’m sure many others do, I find myself working on multiple devices, and continuously referring back to The Odin Project modules to recall the steps and terminal commands.…